HIST1H1E - Defying the odds, not defining them

Learn about Hist1H1e and our journeys
HIST1H1E - Defying the odds, not defining them
Learn about Hist1H1e and our journeys
Our amazing families are committed to sharing their story about HIST1H1E Syndrome. Please go to the "HIST1H1E Journeys" page to find out more about some of our children.
Seeing a need for connection and hope, we formed this community to educate the public about HIST1H1E Syndrome. We've consistently grown over the last few years through social media outreach and through the work of our doctors/researchers.
We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community. Our families and friends provide the momentum that helps us affect change. Through our resources, we hope to drive research/support for HIST1H1E Syndrome.
Sign up to hear from us about research, funding and events coming soon!
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